O My Lord, Increase Me In Knowledge. Understanding. Sincerity.
We pray these articles are proven beneficial for you.

Muwatta’ Malik and its Various Transmissions
Muwaṭṭa’ Mālik underwent serious editorial changes over the course of 40 years which are reflected in various transmissions that have survived today. Read more about it and its author.

The Best of Creation’s Concise Biography ﷺ
A translation of the extremely invaluable poem titled Al-Urjūzah al-Mī’iyyah fī Dhikri Ḥāl Ashraf al-Bariyyah which is a poem containing one hundred couplets regarding the sīrah (life) of the most noble of mankind ﷺ.

The Teaching Methods of the Messenger ﷺ (Part Four)
Read the final ten teaching methods of the Messenger ﷺ so that we may learn and adopt them in our teaching, inshā’Allāh. I ask Allāh to be pleased with this effort, accept it and grant us the opportunity of being able to follow the sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ.

The Teaching Methods of the Messenger ﷺ (Part Three)
May Allāh grant us wisdom and the ability to apply these teaching methods correctly in our teaching. Āmīn.

Al-Yunini and the Transmission of Sahih al-Bukhari
The focus of this article is on the transmission of al-Yūnīnī; who was he, what did he do and how did it impact later scholarship on the Ṣaḥīḥ of Imām al-Bukhārī?

The Beauty of the Arabic Language
The Arabic language is called the language of the letter ‘Ḍād’ because it doesn’t exist anywhere but the Arabic language. This is why it is known to be the most difficult letter to pronounce for non-Arabs.

The Teaching Methods of the Messenger ﷺ (Part Two)
Teaching is a vital necessity in our lives for which there are numerous methods and techniques. Read how the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ beautifully executed his teaching methods each and every time.

The Extraordinary Benefits of a Maqra’ah
A maqra’ah is the proficient recital in Arabic of a classical Islamic text. This is done in order to compare variable manuscripts. And preserve aural transmission of works that have been passed on from generation to generation over many centuries until the present day.

A New Year: Revive a Forgotten Tradition
Is there duʿā’ to be said on the day of the Islamic New Year? Some of my friends said that it isn’t correct, but a bidʿah. Can you help me please as I would like to put it to practice if it is in fact correct?

The Teaching Methods of the Messenger ﷺ (Part One)
Those who have diligently studied the Messenger’s way of life and sunnah would see that he painted his teachings with different brushes. Adopt these ten teaching methods of the greatest teacher to walk on the face of this earth and read how he ﷺ beautifully executed them.

A Remarkable Scholar: Shaykh Jalal al-Din al-Jamali (rahimahullah)
He is Abū ʿUmar and Abū Ayyūb, Jalāl al-Dīn ibn ʿAbdullāh ibn Dawst ʿAli al-Jamālī from Sindh, Pakistan. He was born in Sher Khan Jamali; a village in Nawabshah, Sindh. He was born in the year 1916 (1334 A.H) according to his passport. Even at this age the Shaykh would write, read without glasses.

Al-Hadith al-Musalsal bi al-Awwaliyyah
A ḥadīth musalasal is that narration in which the chain follows a certain pattern, irrespective of what the text contains. There are various types of musalsalāt.

Why Are We Given Tests By the Most Kind?
Trials and tribulations are inevitable in our lives, whether it’s regarding our health, wealth, family or religion. There is no one on the face of this earth, past and present who didn’t face some difficulties in their lives.

Unravelling Complex Islamic Measures
Different measures which have been stated in aḥādīth and books of fiqh are often obscure to readers and researchers. Hence, the aim of this article is to enlighten its readers of the modern-day equivalents.

Islamic Weights: Understanding Them Successfully
Different weights and measurements which have been stated in aḥādīth and books of fiqh are often obscure to readers and researchers. Hence, the aim of this article is to enlighten its readers of the modern-day equivalents.