Why Are We Given Tests By the Most Kind?

Tests, Al-Nujum Institute, Articles

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All praises are due to Allāh ﷻ who has created death and life in order to test which of us is best in deeds and peace and salutations upon the best of mankind; Muḥammad ﷺ who has illustrated to us how to overcome and bear these tests and upon his family, companions raḍiyAllāhu ʿanhum and those who follow him until the Last Day.

Trials and tribulations are inevitable in our lives, whether it’s regarding our health, wealth, family or religion. There is no one on the face of this earth, past and present who didn’t face some difficulties in their lives. A simple notion to remind us of this, which will also ease our hearts and minds is the life of our Beloved Messenger ﷺ. He is the most beloved person to Allāh ﷻ, yet He tested him throughout his entire life.

His father died before he was even born. He was only six when his mother died. His grandfather who then took care of him died when he was eight. His uncle; Abū Ṭālib who took him in after his grandfather, died without embracing Islām. His beloved wife; Khadījah raḍīyAllāhu ʿanhā died on the very same year as his uncle. All of his sons died in infancy. All of his daughters except Fāṭimah raḍiyAllāhu ʿanhā died during his lifetime.

The disbelievers stoned him, beat him, cursed him, ridiculed him and in spite of all this, he remained patient, thankful and never gave up. Allāh ﷺ never abandoned him nor did he hate him (naʿūdhu billāh). This is His Beloved, His final Messenger, His Chosen One and the Purest of creation.

Wipe your tears. You’ll overcome your trials and tribulations.

Your Allāh is the same Allāh. He knows what you’re going through and He’ll always be there to guide you. Recognise why He’s testing you and you’ll find a way to overcome it with His help and through His Beloved’s life.

Musʿab bin Saʿd reported that his father raḍiyAllāhu ʿanhu said: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allāh! Which people are most severely tested?’ He said: ‘The Prophets, then the next best and the next best. Allāh tests a person according to his religious commitment. If he is steadfast in his religious commitment, his tests will be severe, and if he is frail in his religious commitment, his test will be according to his commitment. Trials will continue to afflict a person until they leave him walking on the earth with no sin on him.” [Sunan Ibn Mājah]

Why Are We Tested?

There is wisdom behind everything that Allāh ﷻ does, even if we don’t see it at that point in time.

Allāh gives us tests and calamities for various reason:

Thorough these difficulties, Allāh unveils the true nature of people.

By sieving out the good from the bad, the righteous from the wicked and the believer from the hypocrite.

Expiation of Sins.

Allah may decide to punish a person for his sins in this world rather than in the Hereafter

Elevation of ranks.

If a believer after being afflicted by a misfortune or test patiently perseveres, Allāh forgives his sins and raises his ranks.

Admonition for the negligent and a warning:

The aim is to alert the person of his shortcomings. If he takes heed, he will be successful otherwise, he will deserve punishment.

A punishment.

For those that were warned but did not heed the warning and persisted upon committing sins.

A reminder of Allah’s favours upon mankind.

That is because man, whom Allāh created with the faculty of sight, often forgets the blessing of being able to see. He does not fully give its due right. If Allāh was to temporarily take away his sight then return it to him, he would realise the value of this great bounty.

Lessen people’s attachment to the world.

If the world was free of any hardship and tests then people would have even been more attached to it and neglect the next life.

Strengthening the personality of the believer.

Through hardship and tests Allāh makes firm the hearts of the believers. This is why Allāh chose our Messenger ﷺ to grow up as an orphan and experience numerous hardships.

Sometimes a hardship can be a blessing in disguise.

People who are afflicted with some misfortune may only see one side to the happenings. And be heedless to other aspects. However, after a certain period of time, the beneficial side to the misfortune is unveiled to them.

May Allāh give us the strength and to overcome whatever hardship we may be going through and may He grant us the understanding that tests and trials are also a bounty from His infinite treasure as it’s a means of being purified. Āmīn

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