Unravelling Complex Islamic Measures

Measures and Weights, Articles

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All praises are due to Allāh ﷻ; the Lord of the worlds and may peace and salutations be upon the best of creation; Muḥammad ﷺ, his family and companions raḍiyallāhu ʿanhum. Different measures which have been stated in aḥādīth and books of fiqh are often obscure to readers and researchers. Hence, the aim of this article is to enlighten its readers of the modern-day equivalents, inshā’Allāh, as is mentioned in al-Makāyīl wa al-Mawāzīn al-Sharʿiyyah by Ustādh ʿAli Gomā.

Al-Makāyīl (Islamic Measures)

Kaylah (الكيلة)

A vessel for measuring grains.
It is an Egyptian measurement and is estimated as eight aqdāḥ.
▪ The volume of a kaylah: 16.5 litres.

Qadḥ (القدح)

An Egyptian measurement.
It is one eighth of a kaylah.
▪ The volume of a qadḥ: 16.5L/8 = 2.0625 litres.

Mudd (المد)

It is the amount that is held in two outstretched palms.
The volume of a mudd:
▪ According to aḥnāf: Two Iraqi riṭl.
Hence, one mudd: 406.25g*2 = 812.5 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: One and one third of an Iraqi riṭl.
Hence, one mudd: 382.5g*1.333 = 510 grams.

Ḥafnah (الحفنة)

Two handfuls of food.
The amount of a ḥafnah: One mudd.

Ṣāʿ (الصاع)

A measurement used by the people of Madīnah which is four mudd.
The measurement of a ṣāʿ:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 812.5g*4 = 3.25 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 510g*4 = 2.04 kilograms.

Qisṭ (القسط)

It is estimated as half of a ṣāʿ.
The measurement of a qisṭ:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg/2 = 1.625 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg/2 = 1.02 kilograms.

ʿArq (العرق

Linguistically means a basket.
It is equivalent to fifteen ṣāʿ.
The measurement of ʿarq:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*15 = 48.75 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg*15 = 30.6 kilograms.

Ardab (الأردب)

It is a great Egyptian measurement which is twenty-four ṣāʿ.
The measurement of an ardab:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*24 = 78 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg*24 = 48.96 kilograms.

Qafīz (القفيز)

A measurement which has differences of opinion.
The measurement of a qafīz:
▪ According to mālikī: 48 ṣāʿ.
Hence, one qafīz: 2.04kg*48 = 98 kilograms
▪ According to shāfiʿī: 12 ṣāʿ.
Hence, one qafīz: 2.04kg*12 = 24.48 kilograms.

Al-Azharī, Ibn al-Athīr and Ibn Manẓūr has mentioned that one qafīz is equal to eight makākīk. This corresponds with the estimation of Imām al-Shāfiʿī raḥimahullāh since one makkūk is equivalent to 3.06 kilograms as will be mentioned shortly, inshā’Allāh.

Jarīb (الجريب)

It is equal to forty-eight ṣāʿ.
The measurement of a jarīb:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*48 = 156 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg*48 = 97.92 kilograms.

Wasq (الوسق)

It is sixty ṣāʿ according to the people of Ḥijāz.
The measurement of a wasq:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*60 = 195 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg*60 = 122.4 kilograms.

Kurr (الكر)

A measurement according to the people of Iraq.

Al-Azharī said that one kurr is sixty qafīz.
Al-Khaṭṭābī said that one kur is twelve wasq.
Both narrations result in one kurr being seven hundred and twenty ṣā.

Hence, the measurement of a kurr:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*720 = 2340 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.04kg*720 = 1468.8 kilograms.

Waybah (الويبة)

A well-known Egyptian measurement which is equal to one sixth of an ardab and equal to two kaylah.
▪ The volume of a waybah: 16.5L*2 = 33 litres.

Qirbah (القربة)

Linguistically means a waterskin.
It is estimated as one hundred Iraqi riṭl.
Hence, the measurement of a qirbah: 
▪ According to aḥnāf: 406.25g*100 = 40.625 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 382.5g*100 = 38.25 kilograms.

Makkūk (المكوك)

A measurement which has difference of opinion according to different countries.
Al-Azharī and al-Ābī estimated it as one and a half ṣāʿ. This is the most famous narration.
▪ Hence, according to jamhūr, one makkūk: 2.04kg*1.5 = 3.06 kilograms.
▪ According to aḥnāf, one Makkūk: 3.25kg*1.5 = 4.875

Al-Fayūmī mentioned in al-Miṣbāḥ al-Munīr that one makkūk is equal to three kaylajāt.
Hence, the measurement of one makkūk:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 1523.4g*3 = 4570.5 grams
▪ According to jamhūr: 1450.3g*3 = 4350.9 grams.

Mudy (المدْي)

A measurement according to the people of Syria which is equal to fifteen makkūk.
Hence, the measurement of one mudy:
▪ According to jamhūr: 3.06kg*15 = 45.9 kilograms.
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.25kg*15 = 156 kilograms.

Faraq (الفرَق)

A measurement which is equal to sixteen riṭl or three ṣāʿ according to the people of Ḥijāz. Both measures give the same result. Sufyān ibn ʿUyaynah and al-Shāfiʿī raḥimahumallāh said that it is three ṣāʿ.
Hence, the measurement of a faraq: 
▪ According to aḥnāf: 406.25g*16 = 6.5 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 382.5g*16 = 6.12 kilograms.

Farq (الفرْق)

A measurement which is equal to five hundred and twenty riṭl.
Hence, the measurement of a farq: 
▪ According to aḥnāf: 406.25g*520 = 211.25 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 382.5g*520 = 198.9 kilograms.

Qullah (القلة)

Linguistically means a large jar.
It is estimated as two hundred and fifty Iraqi riṭl.
Hence, the measurement of a qullah: 
▪ According to aḥnāf: 406.25g*250 = 101.5625 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 382.5g*250 = 95.625 kilograms.

MeasuresAḥnāf AmountJamhūr Amount
Kaylah (الكيلة)16.5L16.5L
Qadḥ (القدح)2.0625L2.0625L
Mudd (المد)812.5g510g
Ḥafnah (الحفنة)812.5g510g
Ṣāʿ (الصاع)3.25kg2.04kg
Qisṭ (القسط)1.625kg1.02kg
ʿArq (العرق)48.75kg30.6kg
Ardab (الأردب)78kg48.96kg
Qafīz (القفيز)98kg (Mālikī) | 24.48kg (Shāfiʿī)
Jarīb (الجريب)156kg97.92kg
Wasq (الوسق)195kg122.4kg
Kurr (الكر)2340kg1468.8kg
Waybah (الويبة)33L33L
Qirbah (القربة)40.625kg38.250kg
Makkūk (المكوك)3.06kg3.06kg
Mudy (المدْي)45.9kg45.9kg
Faraq (الفرَق)6.5kg6.12kg
Farq (الفرْق)211.25kg198.9kg
Qullah (القلة)101.5625kg95.625kg

Learn about Islamic weights here. May Allāh ﷻ forgive any shortcomings, preserve the esteemed readers who will take benefit from this article of measures and this lowly servant of His and bless her teachers for restlessly encouraging and guiding her upon the straight path. Āmīn.

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