Islamic Distances: Understanding Them Easily

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All praises are due to Allāh ﷻ; the Lord of the worlds and may peace and salutations be upon the best of creation; Muḥammad ﷺ, his family and companions raḍiyallāhu ʿanhum. Different lengths and distances which have been stated in aḥādīth and books of fiqh are often obscure to readers and researchers. Hence, the aim of this article is to enlighten its readers of the modern-day equivalents, inshā’Allāh, as is mentioned in al-Makāyīl wa al-Mawāzīn al-Sharʿiyyah by Ustādh ʿAli Gomā.

Al-Aṭwāl (Distances)

Dhirāʿ (الذراع)

The distance between the elbow and the middle finger. It is an ancient unit of length called cubit.
The length of a dhirāʿ:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: 46.375cm.
▪ According to mālikiyyah: 53cm.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 61.834cm.

Iṣbaʿ (الإصبع)

It literally means finger.
The length of an iṣbaʿ:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: An iṣbaʿ is equivalent to 1/24 of a dhirāʿ.
Hence, one iṣbaʿ: 46.375cm/24= 1.932cm
▪ According to mālikiyyah: An iṣbaʿ is equivalent to 1/36 of a dhirāʿ.
Hence, one iṣbaʿ: 53cm/36= 1.472cm.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: An iṣbaʿ is equivalent to 1/24 of a dhirāʿ.
Hence, one iṣbaʿ: 61.834cm/24= 2.576cm.

Qabḍah (القبضة)

A qabḍah is equivalent to four aṣābīʿ (fingers).
The length of a qabḍah:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: 1.932cm×4= 7.728cm.
▪ According to mālikiyyah: 1.472cm×4= 5.888cm.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 2.576cm×4= 10.304cm.

Shibr (الشبر)

A shibr is equivalent to six aṣābīʿ (fingers).
The length of a shibr:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: 1.932cm×6= 11.592cm.
▪ According to mālikiyyah: 1.472cm×6= 8.832cm.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 2.576cm×6= 15.459cm.

Bāʿ (الباع)

It is the span of both outstretched hands.
Al-Bājī said: Bāʿ is the length of both arms, the upper arms and chest. It is the equivalent to four adhruʿ (cubits).
Bāʿ with regards to animals is the distance of its step when walking. It is the distance between its legs.

The length of a bāʿ:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: 46.375cm×4= 1.855m.
▪ According to mālikiyyah: 53cm×4= 2.12m.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 61.834cm×4= 2.473m.

Mīl (الميل)

Linguistically, it has many meanings. Such as the stick used to apply kohl, as far as the eye can see and a mile.
The length of a mīl:
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah: It is equivalent to 4000 dhirāʿ.
Hence, one mīl: 46.375cm×4000= 1855m.
▪ According to mālikiyyah: It is equivalent to 3500 dhirāʿ according to Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr.
Hence, one mīl: 53cm×3500= 1855m.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: It is equivalent to 6000 dhirāʿ.
Hence, one mīl: 61.834×6000= 3710m.

Farsakh (الفرسخ)

Linguistically, it is everything that doesn’t stop or isn’t interrupted. When used with the night and day, it means its hours. It is a common distance.
The length of a farsakh:
The jurists have all agreed that it is equivalent to three amyāl (miles).
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah and mālikiyyah: 1855m×3=5565m
▪ According to shāfiʿiyyah and ḥanābilah: 3710×3= 11,130.

Barīd (البريد)

Linguistically, barīd is a Persian word. It literally means mule. Then, it was made into an Arabic word.
The length of a barīd:
The jurists have all agreed that it is equivalent to four farāsikh.
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah and mālikyyah: 5565×4= 22,260m.
▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 11130×4= 44,520m.

Marḥalah (المرحلة)

It is the distance covered by a traveller on an animal in a day.
The length of a marḥalah:
A marḥalah is equivalent to 24 mīl.
▪ According to ḥanafiyyah and mālikyyah: 1855m×24= 44.50km.▪ According to shāfiʿīyyah and ḥanābilah: 3710m×24= 89.04km.

DistanceḤanafiyyahMālikiyyahShāfiʿiyyah & Ḥanābilah

Learn about Islamic weights and Islamic measures. May Allāh ﷻ forgive any shortcomings, preserve the esteemed readers who will take benefit from this article of distance and this lowly servant of His and bless her teachers for restlessly encouraging and guiding her upon the straight path. Āmīn.

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