

Tajwid Essentials: Points of Focus in Taʿawwudh and Tasmiyah

This brief article on Tajwīd serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their recitation of the Qur’ān by providing insightful observations and points of focus when reciting the taʿawwudh and tamiyah, two essential phrases recited at the beginning Quranic recitation.

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Common Mistakes Noted in Qur’an Recitation

In this article, we explore five common mistakes in Qur’ān recitation made by both students and scholars alike. By providing practical tips to avoid these mistakes, we aim to enhance the quality of recitation.

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Tajwid: Its Importance When Reciting the Beautiful Qur’an

Tajwīd is a means of guarding the Qur’ān and preserving it from distortion and alteration. Without Tajwīd, the meaning of the Qur’ān would change resulting in words of disbelief. This would also cause the Qur’ān to curse its reader. So, if we recite the Qur’ān in the way Allāh revealed it to Muḥammad ﷺ, we will protect our tongues from uttering that which is sinful.

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