Fiqh al-Nisaʾ

Navigating menstrual rulings with clarity
Saturdays and Sundays | 60 min sessions | approx. 18 sessions | 11:00am – 12:00pm (UK) | Start Date: 1st February  2025

No Cost, Just Commitment

Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of one of the most intricate and essential aspects of Islamic jurisprudence? This comprehensive and interactive course is designed to equip you with clarity and confidence in navigating the rulings of Ḥayḍ (menstruation), Nifās (postnatal bleeding), and Istiḥāḍah (irregular bleeding) as understood through the madhhab of Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullāh. Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your knowledge and connect with a supportive learning community.

What you will learn:

What you can expect:

Who this course is for:

What Do You Need?

What our students have to say: