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Mawlana Nadim Hussain

Co-Founder and Instructor

Mawlānā Nadim began studying the classical Islamic sciences at Jamia Taleemul Islam, Dewsbury. He then transferred to Imam Zakariya Academy, London where he graduated. He also studied and completed the ten modes of recitation of the Noble Qur’ān and proceeded to study advanced Ḥadīth and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) sciences. He is currently pursuing high asānīd (chains of narration) and ijāzāt (license to transmit) under the guidance of muḥaddithūn from Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Madinah and more.

Other Members

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Mawlana Muhammmad Ahmad

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Ustadhah Umm Yusuf

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Mawlana Haadi al-Hatimi

Guest Instructor