Mawlana Muhammad Ahmad
Co-founder and Instructor
Mawlānā Muhammad Ahmad memorised the Qurʾān at Quwwat-ul-Islam and pursued the study of the classical Islamic sciences, graduating from Imam Zakariya Academy, London. During his time there, he obtained ijāzah in the riwāyah of Imām Ḥafṣ ʿan ʿĀṣim from Mawlānā Tayyab Talati. He then further pursued and obtained ijāzah in the qirāʾah of Imām ʿĀṣim from Qārī Bashir Ahmad Siddiq al-Madanī. He has also pursued high asānīd (chains of narration) and ijāzāt (licenses to transmit) under the guidance of muḥaddithūn from Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Madinah, and more. Mawlānā Muhammad Ahmad is a co-founder of both Al-Nujum Institute and Taysir Institute, where he continues to share his knowledge and passion for the Qurʾān and Islamic sciences.
Other Members

Mawlana Nadim Hussain
Co-Founder and Instructor

Ustadhah Umm Yusuf
Co-Founder and Instructor

Mufti Zubair Patel
Guest Instructor