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Mawlana Haadi al-Haatimi

Guest Instructor

Mawlānā Haadi al-Ḥātimī studied classical Islamic sciences and graduated from Imam Zakariya Academy, London. Together with completing the ʿĀlimiyyah syllabus and receiving ijāzah (permission to transmit) in the major books of ḥadīth, he also studied Shāfiʿī and Ḥanafī Fiqh, Tafsīr sciences and more. He is currently pursuing ijāzāt in the core texts of the Shāfiʿī Fiqh, along with the school’s Uṣūl (Principles of Jurisprudence), under the guidance of scholars from Egypt, Madinah and more.

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Mawlana Nadim Hussain

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Mawlana Muhammmad Ahmad

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Mufti Zubair Patel

Guest Instructor