Fiqh of Menstruation (Online Course)

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays | 90 min sessions | approx. 6 weeks | 8:00pm – 9:30pm (UK) | Start Date: 9th October 2023



Registration ends on Friday 6th October 2023

The fiqh of ḥayd (menstruation) is among those sciences which are mandatory for every Muslim woman to comprehend and understand as numerous rulings of sharīʿah (Islamic law) stem from it.

These rulings include purification (ṭahārah), prayer (ṣalāh), fasting (ṣawm), pilgrimage (ḥajj), recitation of the Qur’ān (tilāwah), maturity (bulūgh), divorce (ṭalāq), waiting period after divorce (ʿiddah), sexual intercourse, etc.

Without proper and complete understanding of this science, a woman runs the risk of displeasing Allāh ﷻ by abandoning something which is farḍ (compulsory) or by executing something which is ḥarām (unlawful).

This course is based on the fiqh of Imām Abū Ḥanīfah raḥimahullāh and is aimed to properly understand its intricacies so that the issues of menstruation, irregular and postnatal bleeding can be deciphered with ease and confidence, bi’idhnillāh.

Note: Recordings will not be available.

What you will learn:

Who this course is for:

What our students have to say:

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