Tajwid Course

Sat and Sun | 60 min sessions | 7 months duration | 8:00pm – 9:00pm | Start Date : 7th October 2023

Monthly Fee

Imām Ibn al-Jazarī raḥimahullāh has stated in his famous poem that details the rules of Tajwīd: “And applying the rules of Tajwīd is an issue of absolute necessity. Whoever doesn’t apply its rules to the Qur’ān is a sinner. Because with it, Allāh ﷻ revealed the Qur’ān, and it is in this way it reached us.” The Noble Qur’ān is the most important book to a Muslim and reciting it with Tajwīd is just as important as it is an integral part of it. Join Mawlānā Muhammad in a focused and dedicated class to start your journey of refining your recitation. Listen to the recitation of the instructor here.

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