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Mawlana Muhammad Ahmad

Co-founder and Instructor

Mawlānā Muhammad Ahmad graduated as a Ḥāfiẓ of the Qur’ān from Quwwat-ul-Islām. He then proceeded to study the classical Islamic sciences and graduated from Imam Zakariya Academy, London. He is currently studying Qirā’āt and Tajwīd for which he has great passion under the esteemed Shaykh; Qārī Bashīr Siddique al-Madanī. He has also pursued high asānīd (chains of narration) and ijāzāt (license to transmit) under the guidance of muḥaddithūn from Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Madinah and more.

Other Members

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Mawlana Nadim Hussain

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Ustadhah Bint Abdul Hakim

Co-Founder and Instructor

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Mufti Zubair Patel

Guest Instructor