Islamic Weights: Understanding Them Successfully

Weights and Measures, Articles

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All praises are due to Allāh ﷻ; the Lord of the worlds and may peace and salutations be upon the best of creation; Muḥammad ﷺ, his family and companions raḍiyallāhu ʿanhum. Different weights and measurements which have been stated in aḥādīth and books of fiqh are often obscure to readers and researchers. Hence, the aim of this article is to enlighten its readers of the modern-day equivalents, inshā’Allāh, as is mentioned in al-Makāyīl wa al-Mawāzīn al-Sharʿiyyah by Ustādh ʿAli Gomā.

Al-Mawāzīn (Islamic Weights)

Dirham (الدرهم)

The name that is given to silver when in a specific form.
The measurement of a dirham:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975 grams.

Dīnār (الدينار)

The name which is given to a piece of gold which is estimated by a mithqāl.
The measurement of a dīnār:
▪ According to all scholars: 4.25 grams.

Nawāh (النواة)

Linguistically means the pit of a date.
It is the measurement of five darāhim.
The measurement of a nawāh:
According to aḥnāf: 3.125g*5 = 15.6 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g*5 = 14.875 grams.

Ūqiyah (الأوقية)

It is one of the most famous measurements used in the Arabian Peninsula.
The ʿulamā’ unanimously agree that one ūqiyah equals forty darāhim.
The measurement of an ūqiyah:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g*40 = 125 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g*40 = 119 grams.

Nash (النش)

Linguistically refers to half of anything.
Al-Jawharī raḥimahullāh has stated in his ṣiḥāḥ that nash is equivalent to twenty darāhim; half of an ūqiyah.
The measurement of a nash:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 125g/2 = 62.5 grams.

Ḥabbah (الحبة)

It is a weight used for the particles that make up a dirham and dīnār.
The measurement of aḥabbah:
▪ According to aḥnāf: One ḥabbah is equivalent to 1/100 of a dīnār.
Hence, one ḥabbah: 4.25g/100 = 0.0425 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: One ḥabbah is equivalent to 1/72 of a dīnār.
Hence, one ḥabbah: 4.25g/72 = 0.059 grams.

Ṭassūj (الطسوج)

It is a weight which is equivalent to two ḥabbah.
The measurement of a ṭassūj:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 0.0425g*2 = 0.085 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 0.059g*2 = 0.118 grams

Qīrāṭ (القيراط)

A fraction of a dīnār.
▪ According to aḥnāf: One qīrāṭ is equivalent to 1/20 of a dīnār.
Hence, one qīrāṭ: 4.25g/20 = 0.2125 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: One qīrāṭ is equivalent to 1/24 of a dīnār.
Hence, one qīrāṭ: 4.25g/24 = 0.1771 grams.

Dāniq (الدانق)

One sixth of a dirham.
The measurement of a dāniq:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g/6 = 0.521 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g/6 = 0.496 grams.

Qinṭār (القنطار)

A term given to a weighed amount. It is also a term given to a large sum of wealth.

Ibn ʿAṭiyyah raḥimahullāh said: There is a difference of opinion regarding the amount of a qinṭār.

Ubayy ibn Kaʿb raḍiyallāhu ʿanuhu related that the Prophet ﷺ said: A qinṭār is one thousand, two hundred ūqiyah. [al-Ṭabrāni] This is the position of Muʿādh ibn Jabal and ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿUmar raḍiyallāhu ʿanhum and many ʿulamā’. This is the most authentic opinion.

It has also been reported by Abū Hurayrah raḍiyallāhu ʿanhu that the Prophet ﷺ said: A qinṭār is twelve thousand ūqiyah. Each ūqiyah of which is better than what is between the heavens and earth. [Sunan ibn Mājah]

Hence, the measurement of a qinṭār:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 125g*1200 = 150 kilograms.
▪ According to jamhūr: 119g*1200 = 142.8 kilograms.

Dharrah (الذرة)

A tiny particle.
The measurement of a dharrah:
▪ It has been said that one hundred dharrāt is equivalent to the weight of a grain of barley.
▪ While, some ʿulamā’ have estimated it to be twenty-three parts of one gram from one hundred million parts of a gram which is 0.00000023 grams.

Qiṭmīr (القطمير)

Linguistically means the membrane of a date seed.
According to sharīʿah, it is estimated as twelve dharrāt.
▪ Hence, one qiṭmīr: 0.00000023g*12 = 0.00000276 grams.

Naqīr (النقير)

Linguistically means the groove of a date seed.
According the sharīʿah, it refers to something that is insignificant.
It is estimated as six qiṭmīrāt.
▪ Hence, one naqīr: 0.00000276g*6= 0.00001656 grams.

Fatīl (الفتيل)

Linguistically means the thread in the groove of a date seed.
It is estimated as six naqīrāt.
Hence, one fatīl: 0.00001656g*6 = 0.00009936 grams.

Fils (الفلس)

Linguistically means the scales of a fish.
Some have estimated it as six fatīlāt. Hence, one fils: 0.00009936g*6 = 0.00059616 grams.

According to sharīʿah, it refers to a currency that is not coined from gold or silver. It is estimated as one sixth of a dirham.

Hence, the measurement of one fils:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g/6 = 0.521 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g/6 = 0.496 grams.

Mann (المن)

It is equivalent to two ritl.
The measurement of one mann is 260 dirāhim.
Hence, one mann:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g*260 = 812.5 grams
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g*260 = 773.5 grams.

Kaylajah (الكيلجة)

It is equivalent to one and seven eighths of a mann.
Hence, the measurement of one Kaylajah:
▪ According to aḥnāf: 812.5g*1.875 = 1523.4 grams
▪ According to jamhūr: 773.5g*1.875= 1450.3 grams.

Riṭl (الرطل)

A unit that is used for weighing and measuring.
If a riṭl is generalized in books of fiqh, it will refer to Iraqi riṭl.

The measurement of Iraqi riṭl:
▪ According to aḥnāf: Half of a mann which is 130 darāhim.
Hence, one Iraqi riṭl: 812.5g/2 = 406.25 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 128 darāhim and four sevenths.
Hence, one Iraqi riṭl: 128.571*2.975g = 382.5 grams.

The measurement of Syrian riṭl: 600 darāhim.
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g*600 = 1875 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g*600 = 1785 grams.

The measurement of Egyptian riṭl: 449.28 grams.

Istār (الإستار)

It’s a Persian word meaning four. It is estimated as four and a half mathāqīl.
The measurement of istār: Six darāhim and a half.
▪ According to aḥnāf: 3.125g*6.5 = 20.3125 grams.
▪ According to jamhūr: 2.975g*6.5 = 19.3375 grams.

WeightsAḥnāf AmountJamhūr Amount
Dirham (الدرهم)3.125g2.975g
Dīnar (الدينار)4.25g4.25g
Nawāh (النواة)15.6g14.875g
Ūqiyah (الأوقية)125g119g
Nash (النش)62.5g59.5g
Ḥabbah (الحبة)0.0425g0.059g
Ṭassūj (الطسوج)0.085g0.118g
Qīrāṭ (القيراط)0.2125g0.1771g
Dāniq (الدانق)0.521g0.496g
Qinṭār (القنطار)150kg142.8kg
Dharrah (الذرة)0.00000023g0.00000023g
Qiṭmīr (القطمير)0.000002760.00000276
Naqīr (النقير)0.00001656g0.00001656g
Fatīl (الفتيل)0.00009936g0.00009936g
Fils (الفلس)0.521g0.496g
Mann (المن)812.5g773.5g
Kaylajah (الكيلجة)1523.4g1450.3g
Iraqi riṭl (الرطل العراقي)406.25g382.5g
Syrian riṭl (الرطل الشامي)1875g1785g
Egyptian riṭl (الرطل المصري)449.28g449.28g
Istār (الإستار)20.3125g19.3375g

Learn about Islamic measurements here. May Allāh ﷻ forgive any shortcomings, preserve the esteemed readers who will take benefit from this article and this lowly servant of His and bless her teachers for restlessly encouraging and guiding her upon the straight path. Āmīn.

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