Common Mistakes Noted in Qur’an Recitation


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Reciting the Qur’ān is not only a fundamental aspect of Islamic practice but is also a deeply spiritual experience. Despite years of study and practice, even the most accomplished reciters can make common mistakes that impact the effectiveness of their recitation. In this article, we will be exploring five common mistakes that are frequently made by both students and scholars. By delving into the details of these mistakes and providing practical tips on how to avoid them, we hope to enhance the quality of our recitation. Whether you are a student, a scholar, or simply someone who is passionate about the Qur’ān, this article will offer valuable insights and knowledge that will benefit your recitation.

▪ Reading through the nose.

Especially when:

  1. pronouncing ḥarakah of ن or م e.g. العٰلمين
  2. pronouncing ḥarakah preceding ن or م e.g. الذين

Solution: Practice with letters that do not have elements of ghunnah in them such as ب or د. The way the ḥarakah sounds with those letters (provided it’s not exiting through the nose) that is also how it should sound when pronouncing ḥarakāt with م and ن

▪ Extending the sound of ن or م at the end of verses e.g. الرحيم.

Solution: Do not make tune your primary goal. Though tune is also important, tajwīd is of greater importance. We must not alter our actual recitation to facilitate the tune of recitation.

▪ Inconsistent durations of mudūd (elongations) and ghunnah.

Solution: Recite in a balanced manner. Every respective madd should have their allocated durations. For example, the duration that you recite al-madd al-munfaṣil at the beginning of your recitation should be maintained throughout your recitation.

▪ Reverse qalqalah.

Bouncing letters not having attribute of qalqalah and not doing so for letters that have this attribute. e.g. ن in أنعمت.

Solution: Learn the letters of qalqalah, and take care to not apply them to any other letters. This is achieved by learning all of the ṣifāt (attributes of letters), and applying them accordingly. It will be impossible to apply qalqalah to letters if the contrasting attributes are applied correctly.

▪ Rounding the lips for tafkhīm.

Solution: Learn that to pronounce a letter with tafkhīm, it is all in the tongue and not the lips. The tongue is the muscle that needs to be trained in order to pronounce mufakhkham (heavy) letters. Rounding the lips is simply adding a و on every instant that a mufakhkham letter is read, and that is a major error.

In conclusion, reciting the Qur’ān is a vital practice that requires correct Tajwīd, precision, patience, and dedication. Let us continue to strive for excellence in our recitation and cultivate a deep love and reverence for the sacred words of Allāh. May He bless us with the ability to recite it with precision and beauty, and may He accept our efforts to correctly recite His divine message. Āmīn.

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