Islamic Online Institute

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At Al-Nujum Institute, we aim to guide our students and gift them the stepping stones to travel through this quickly changing world to reach their final destination; Jannah, all the while being guiding stars to those around them and in turn the upcoming generation, creating a ripple effect until the Day of Judgement. Learn more about our Islamic online institute.

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Ata ibn Abu Rabah

Imam ʿAta’; A Teacher of Imam Abu Hanifah rahimahumAllah

ʿAṭā’ ibn Abū Rabāḥ raḥimahullāh lived a long life so much so that he attained the age of 100 during which he filled it with knowledge and action. He filled his life with obedience and piety and purified it with abstinence from the world and what people owned and he yearned for that which is with Allāh.

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